We've just released additional customizable automated notifications to every account:
Additionally, the default "Welcome" notification can now be triggered to be sent any time a new client registers on your account.
For more information on the new notifications, please check this help article.
Messaging within BusyPaws has focused on Transactional (Booking confirmations, automated reminders, payment receipts, etc.) and Conversational content.
Today we're launching Marketing messaging within BusyPaws. Campaigns allow you to message any number of clients within a segment, at any given frequency.
Want to message every client that has taken a particular class, or that you haven't seen in a while? And want to send a message once per month to those clients? No problem, you can do that with Campaigns!
Check out these help articles for more on what you can do with Campaigns:
Please note that to begin to send Campaigns you must also configure a custom sending domain. More on custom domains here.
Requirements to deliver Marketing messaging greatly increase and deliverability greatly decreases when compared to Transactional and Conversational email. Marketing messaging can also risk deliverability of all other types of messaging from a domain if reputation begins to slide. Please refer to our article on best practices for messaging to ensure your sending reputation remains healthy!
Tips are a complicated feature to deliver for online payment processing, but is an often requested feature from Grooming and Daycare clients.
Without further adieu, you may configure and accept tips both online and in-person with BusyPaws payment processing.
Tips can be configured as a global setting, and configured service-by-service. Head over to these help docs to learn more about configuring and collecting tips:
A new feature is available to help you segment your customers by traits like memberships, booked services, available credits, and more.
Once a segment has been created it will continue to update dynamically and you may export results at any point. This may help you to filter the export list before it reaches the CSV,
It can be found in the customers sub-menu. We're releasing it in open beta to indicate that functionality may change as we receive feedback.
Read more about it here and please let us know if you have feedback or requests!